Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New harness and leash hanger

Buttercups put up the new Cat design hanger for our harness and leash.
Cookie gets along well with Odie. Odie is calm and submissive. Cookie can not stand dogs who challenge her alpha status. Cookie has to be number ONE. Dodo wants to challenge Cookie, and Cookie wants to eat Dodo. Cookie plays rough with Momo and Momo is submissive.
So far Cookie only allows me to dominate her while she lies on her back and belly up during our play time. Cookie never submit and belly up for any other dogs, ever!


DoMoFi said...

DoDo:- Pawrents never seen me fight for alpha before! After MoMo came into my life, I gets a little over protective!!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

I think it's normal to be alpha...Me and Kenji go at it every now and then too. LOL! *grins* We sometimes even fight with each other for it, but in the end, we all know we're brothers...*grins*

Hope you have a great week ahead!


Joey said...

Cookie sounds like me and Jack! No belly up for us too! Why is it a Cat hanger and not a dog's??