Mummy has been sicked for a week now. She is always lying in bed. So Cookie and I also lie in bed together with her. With the heavy rain, it's so nice to cuddle up. Cookie sleeps so deeply that she leaks urine on the bed! Mummy is so grumpy when she has to carry Cookie to pee on the newspapers, and cleans the soiled bed sheet. Cookie has been leaking a lot of urine while sleeping.
Hey BillieJean,
I hope your mummy is feeling better soon. It is no fun to be sick :-(
WOuld you mind if we added you to our list of master dogbloggers over at ? We would love to have you over there....
We are sorry your mummy is sick. We hope she feels better soon.
It is nice to have another dachshund on the Dogs With Blogs list. We knew there were more of us out there!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
(The Dachsies)
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