Friday, November 27, 2009

Pee Tray for Scandalous

After the initial peeing and pooing everywhere in the living room, Mummy put a pee tray lined with newspaper next to where Scandalous is sleeping. She is so smart, as she knows how to use the pee tray right away! Mummy is so happy! Sometimes Scandalous also can find her way to the kitchen where the newspapers are and pee and poo there. Scandalous is good girl! And she knows where the water bowl is too!

Her front paws are always itchy, so Mummy sprays some Richard's Organics to sooth her itchiness.
She doesn't like her spinach and snow peas, and eats only her dry food (fish base). But she loves to eat carrots, banana, apple and yogurt. Mummy is trying to cut down her dry food portion and gives her more vegetables.

1 comment:

Taffy said...

Billie Jean, you have such a wonderful Mommy. She knows just what to do to help Scandalous. And you are such a great host letting Scandalous stay with you for a while.