Saturday, May 01, 2010

Qin Dynasty Army Terra-Cotta

Buttercup was in Xi-an China this week. She visited Qin Dynasty Army Terra-Cotta.
The construction of Emperor Qin's Mausoleum lasted nearly 40 years. Emperor Qin died in 210 BC while on the fifth tour of his empire. He devoted his whole life to search for the elixir of immortality. He never imagined that he would leave this world at the young age of 50. The tomb was not complete when his body was buried within it. According to a decree of the Second Emperor, thos of his father's ladies who has no children were ordered to follow the emperor to the grave. Many of the tom builders were also buried alive. Thousands of officials were killed and thousands of craftsmen were buried alive in order to keep the tomb secret.
Emperor Qin believed that life under the ground after death was a continuation of life on earth. Therefore he constructed a huge mausoleum for himself.

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