Sunday, May 31, 2009

Camomile Tea Treatment

Mummy bought Cookie a new volley ball. Cookie just loves big balls. But I don't know what happened to her big basket ball. Some how it was gone missing. Just a few seconds into playing with the new ball, Cookie already punctured many holes. I don't know how long will this ball last.

This is me updating my blog on the laptop.

Mummy is trying out Camomile Tea infusion to treat Cookie's mouth ulcers. Camomile tea gargle infusion several times daily to aid in the management of mucous membrane inflamations such as mouth ulcers, gingivitis, sore throat and gums.

Half a cup of boiling water is poured into a camomile tea bag and left sitting for several hours. A cotton wool is used to treat the ulcers. Mummy will monitor the situation for two weeks. If the ulcers do not get better, Mummy will be very worried. Hope that it's not something serious. Cookie is still eating and chewing as per normal. Hope that Cookie is not in pain.


DoMoFi said...

Speedy recovery to Cookie!

oolong cha said...

Get well soon Cookie, I still have not run with you yet.